The dry cleaning business is all about being on schedule. From opening the store on time to making sure that orders are fulfilled promptly you can expect to stay busy, especially if you need to make sure the equipment is operating properly. To continue our information from “Starting a Dry Cleaning Business, Part 1,” we have listed some more items below.
Growth Potential
You must first choose the business model you want to follow. For example, do you want to use your retail space as a drop-off and pick-up location only? Or, do you want all the washing and cleaning to be done onsite at your location? It is possible to have a number of retail locations supported by an industrial location where all the cleaning of the clothes takes place. You may also be able to start with a franchise opportunity in this industry.
Startup Costs
The costs involved in opening a laundry and dry cleaning business begin with paying the deposit for the lease and the first month’s rent for the storefront. Also, you will need to have signage on the front of the store that makes it visible to those that drive by. If you plan to conduct the work on your site, you need to have equipment, a cash register, cleaning supplies, coat hangers, and plastic bags, as well as a mechanical clothes rack that rotates the finished clothing.
Contact Fabricare Systems, LLC to learn about the latest, most comprehensive dry cleaner’s computer system, which will give you the technological edge over others in every aspect of your business.