There are a number of benefits associated with Fabricare Assembly Manager (FAM). This automated, effective assembly option saves time and money because it has all the advantages of an automated assembly conveyor at a budget-friendly price. Our FAM is usable in a central plant or in multiple locations. FAM components include all of the following:
- Computer
- Display
- Barcode Scanner
- Invoice Printer & Numbered Slots
- Rails or J-hooks to Hang Orders
Some of the highlights of the efficiency and effectiveness of our dry cleaner assembly manager include the procedures below:
- Barcodes are heat-sealed into the clothes at mark-in.
- After a garment is scanned, the monitor displays the slot number for where to hang the garment, while the computer voice calls it out over the speakers or headphones.
- The screen also displays the name of the customer, a description of the garment, mark-in instructions, and a list of the previously completed invoices.
Training for FAM is simple and thorough. Basically, it covers the clerk scanning the barcode, hanging the garment in the right slot, and after receiving the “order complete” message, removing and bagging the garment. When the order is complete, an invoice is printed in the assembly bay.
Contact Fabricare Systems, LLC to find out more about our Fabricare Assembly Manager system.