You want your dry-cleaning business to perform at its optimal level, to keep increasing your bottom line and build long-time relationships with your customers. While advanced technology, including the latest dry cleaner’s computer, is a huge boon to dry cleaners, there are also additional ways to help your store grow more profitable and thrive. Some of the following suggestions sound like “common sense” items, but they are easy to forget in the hubbub of daily life in any business.
Ensure Your Interior Is Clean and Welcoming
Your dry-cleaning store should be as spotless, clean, and fresh as the finished goods you provide to your customers every day. How spotless can you make your store? Does it need a new paint job? Also, having an air-conditioned dry-cleaning store is now what customers expect. The more meticulous the visual details in your store, and the more comfortable the temperature, the more likely you are to have satisfied customers.
Think Like a Salesperson Rather than an Order Taker
Having professional displays about the other services you offer helps inform your customers about things they may need. Your store will increase business if you are selling more services than cleaning. If you repair clothing and provide alteration services, be sure everyone who steps foot inside your store can find that out.